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The Responsibilities of an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist

October 21, 2022

An ear nose and throat specialist, or an ENT, specializes in treating the area of the body above the lungs and below the brain. There are many critical nerves and systems in this area that only a specialist can take care of. If you're curious about the responsibilities of an ear, nose, and throat specialist, keep reading.

Treating Ear and Hearing Complications

An ear, nose, and throat specialist is the licensed doctor you'd see if you have issues with your hearing. You'll also be referred to an ENT if you've experienced an injury to your ear, especially the internal structures of the ear. These professionals have specialized training and equipment to ensure that issues in the ear are addressed adequately. If you have hearing loss, an ENT will guide you through the process of getting hearing aids.

Treating Smell and Taste Disorders

If you've developed a problem with your sense of smell and taste, you should seek the assistance of an ENT. They'll help you get to the bottom of issues such as chronic allergies, as they have the tools to easily identify the underlying cause of these complications. They will often do a series of tests to find out the root of the problem and work with you to find a solution.

Handling Maxillofacial Surgeries

People with congenital issues like cleft palate can benefit from the assistance of an ENT. They're qualified to perform remedial surgeries and offer solutions that will serve both a functional and aesthetic role. This is because they know the important structures of the sensitive area and can provide solutions that improve the health of their patient above all.

Laryngeal cancer is a common type of cancer of the head and neck. According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, about 12,620 adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed with this cancer this year alone. That said, it's important for you to know when to visit an ENT if you're experiencing any symptoms or have concerns about your health. An ear nose and throat specialist will work with you throughout the entire process. If you're in search of an ENT, call us at Villa Rica Ear, Nose & Throat today! Our licensed professionals are here to help.

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